Poetry thread on Threads app

I am so depress’d
Endless miasma of doom
Destroying my head.

D.K. Evans

This was my immediate response to the word “sorrow” given as a poetry prompt. 🤔

You can find these prompts as part of a daily poetry thread courtesy of Joseph Fasano on Threads. You can find today’s poem, shown below, right here.

Did I mention I’m on Threads now? You can find me with the username GeekonomiconBlog.

It no coincidence that it is the same username as my Instagram account. I’ve just discovered that Instagram lets you create a shiny full colour QR code thing to scan if you so desire, for the cool kids that aren’t as old school as yours truly. 👾

Scan me.

If you’re worried about my state of mind after reading that haiku please don’t be. I’m in a pretty good place at present.

I’ve lived with depression all of my life and my mental health is on an even keel right now. That’s not to say that my brain keeps insisting that everything is beyond awful, there’s nothing I can do about it, so I should just stay in bed all day and do nothing, but I can be just as stubborn as the voices in my head. 🙄