Royal Weddings, stately homes, beautiful gardens, lifelong learning, and a day out for Charity

Are you excited about a certain Royal Wedding happening today? Would you like to go to Frogmore House and Garden, where the 200 person reception will be held on Saturday? Well, you can. Not tomorrow, but are you free on Thursday 7th June?


This is Frogmore House and Gardens. Beautiful isn't it?

Frogmore House and Gardens. Image credit: Royal Collection Trust


For three days every year, the normally private house and gardens are open to the public, with the proceeds going to three charities. Those going on the 7th will help PET, The Prisoners’ Education Trust, that I sit on the Advisory Group of.

PET is a charity working across every prison in England and Wales to help people in prison achieve their potential through learning. PET provides courses in levels and subjects not usually available in prison, including GCSEs, A-levels and Open University courses, as well as courses in subjects as diverse as Farming Management and Personal Fitness Training.

Since their foundation in 1989, PET has helped thousands of men and women in prison transform their lives through education, and build better futures for their families and communities. To book tickets for the garden at Frogmore House on Thursday, 7 June visit or call 0203 752 5681.

A revolutionary new method of space propulsion?


Unusual Gyroscope MGEF

I’ve just come across the intriguing concept of the “Module Generator of Entropic Forces (MGEF)” that could revolutionise space exploration. I’ll quote the last paragraph from this Facebook group post (also the final paragraph on ISAN’s articles page) that summarises the potential succinctly:

“This technology can be expanded to a meaningful scale, it could portend a revolution in the space industry. Spacecraft would no longer need hundreds of kilograms or even tons of propellant to stay in orbit or explore deep space. The International Space Station, for instance, burns through approximately 4 tons of propellant each year, and more fuel must be delivered to it regularly at a cost of about $20,000 a kilogram.”

Be warned that the language is very technical, but that is understandable given that the author studied at Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics. I got the gist of it, but I’ll have to re-read it at least a couple more times to get a decent handle on it. I didn’t study physics beyond High School, so the hard maths and science of this are rather beyond me. From my cursory reading, it seems plausible – possible even – although there will be some serious engineering hurdles to surmount.

Any hardcore Engineers or Physicists want to weigh in on the validity of this?

The Secret to the Stickiness of Frog Spit 

Have you ever wondered how frogs’ tongues get their prey into their mouths? It’s a combination of a super soft tongue and spit that’s a non-Newtonian fluid rather like tomato ketchup, as explained in this fascinating Sciencium video:

Ada Lovelace Day and Women in Testing

“Society as a whole benefits immeasurably from a climate in which all persons, regardless of race or gender, may have the opportunity to earn respect, responsibility, advancement and remuneration based on ability.”

– Sandra Day O’Connor.  Source: Brainy Quote

Regardless that some will accuse me of Jumping shamelessly onto the bandwagon, it’s nevertheless well worth noting that today is Ada Lovelace Day.  As I sit and type this in my work’s Test Lab, there are three male software testers, including me, and two female testers.  Our (male) Test Manager doesn’t count for the purposes of this headcount, since he’s not doing any testing, but has instead the unenviable job of juggling the schedule as our clients keep moving the goalposts.

Given what I have gleaned from other testers online, attending meetups like the London Tester Gatherings and the excellent Test Bash 2.0, Software Testing has a majority of men in its workforce.  However, does Software Testing have any more or less representative a gender ratio when compared to the rest of the amorphous mass that is, for want of a better term, “The IT Industry”?  According to an infographic in the Metro paper today in print and online17% of Britain’s Information Technology workforce is female.  I wonder how that proportion increases and decreases when you compare software Testers with Developers, DBAs and Systems Administrators, between Open and Closed source projects, or large and small companies?

While I was doing my BBST Foundations course (which I will get around to posting about in more detail, honestly) we had a getting-to-know-each-other session at the very start of it.  At one point, this raced off headlong into a tangent on the gender ratios present in different Testing teams.  The general consensus on that discussion thread were guesstimates of 10/90 or 20/80 female-to-male gender ratio in the working environments of those testers on the course.  In my own experience, there were no female testers at the last company I worked at out of half a dozen in-house testers.  On the one occasion when we had contract testers in to meet high demand (needing to test an app over 57 mobile devices does that), the ratio was about 40/60.  Having said that, I think there is less of a gender disparity in software testing compared to software development; there was one woman in a team of 30-odd developers at the same company.

One fellow BBSTer reckoned there was a 60/40 split at the last testing conference he was at.  I think the split was 40/60 or maybe 50/50 at Test Bash 2.0; perhaps the organisers can provide a more definitive and accurate ratio than my vague approximations?  Then again, it’s worth taking the discussions we had with a pinch of salt, given that they come from a self-selected sample of 25 students (7 female) and 6 teachers (1 female).

If anyone can point me at any hard research that has been done on this subject, I will be genuinely interested to read it and cite it here.  The Huffington Post has an article on girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and a handy link to a graph showing women as a share of total researchers.  As an interesting aside, it shows percentages of over 70% in Bolivia and Myanmar – anyone know why?  However, that graph covers academic research rather than all STEM-related jobs, where I suspect the percentages will be higher for men and less for women.  Do higher proportions of women get jobs in academia than in business?

I am making the assumption as I write this – feel free to prove me wrong – that the majority of those reading my blog do some kind of geeky, techy job, or at least have a hobby or two in that sphere.  What is the gender ratio where you work?