A revolutionary new method of space propulsion?


Unusual Gyroscope MGEF

I’ve just come across the intriguing concept of the “Module Generator of Entropic Forces (MGEF)” that could revolutionise space exploration. I’ll quote the last paragraph from this Facebook group post (also the final paragraph on ISAN’s articles page) that summarises the potential succinctly:

“This technology can be expanded to a meaningful scale, it could portend a revolution in the space industry. Spacecraft would no longer need hundreds of kilograms or even tons of propellant to stay in orbit or explore deep space. The International Space Station, for instance, burns through approximately 4 tons of propellant each year, and more fuel must be delivered to it regularly at a cost of about $20,000 a kilogram.”

Be warned that the language is very technical, but that is understandable given that the author studied at Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics. I got the gist of it, but I’ll have to re-read it at least a couple more times to get a decent handle on it. I didn’t study physics beyond High School, so the hard maths and science of this are rather beyond me. From my cursory reading, it seems plausible – possible even – although there will be some serious engineering hurdles to surmount.

Any hardcore Engineers or Physicists want to weigh in on the validity of this?

Pies, Energy and Quantum mechanics

Yes, folks, today is pie day – errrr, no wrong kind… I mean the mathematical irrational constant [3.1415926535…] that is the ratio of any Euclidean circle’s circumference to its diameter, better known as π, to which pi day (in date format 3/14) is duly named after. How do you celebrate Pi Day? Well, here’s a handy list of ten suggestions of what to do that’s suitably mathematically geeky to mark the day.

Depending on what pi(e) you’re talking about depends on if you use the letter “e” or not, but E as a physical constant indicating energy, is a pretty fundamental part of physics, probably made ubiquitously well known by Albert Einstein’s formula E = mc² as result of his solutions to Special Relativity. The 14th March also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday. Contrary to popular belief, he didn’t get a Nobel Prize for his work on Relativity, but was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics “for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect”, sixteen years after that pesky little energy-mass equation everyone remembers.

Today is also the day when The Queen of Cyprus sold her kingdom to Venice (1489), The Mikado had its first London performance (1885) , The Gold Standard Act was ratified (1900), the first patient was successfully treated using penicillin (1942) and Linux kernel version 1.0.0 was released (1994). I wonder how much it would cost to buy Cyprus these days?

Of course, those culinary bloggers at cakewrecks manage to combine both kinds of pi(e) for the occasion…

A pie with the symbol for the Greek letter pi in it with the value of pi decorated around the circumference in raised pastry.

Mmmm… pi(e)!

I have a sudden urge to have Steak Pie for dinner. Now, where did my pi slice get to… I mean, pie slice.