Out of hibernation

It has been more than a while since I have posted here. I intend to do so on a more regular basis now.

A man snoozes, relaxed in a light blue hammock slung underneath his desk. His eyes are closed and he has a smile on his face.
Under Desk Hammock by UPLIFT Desk. Looks comfy, doesn’t it?

This isn’t to say I’ve not been writing, far from it. Most of my scribbles are exactly that – collections of scrawled notes, stories, and musings written longhand. Some of it is great and is worth sharing beyond the fevered voices in my head. A lot of it is dross that should be confined to the round file, but that’s how it goes. Some of the less good stuff can be reworked and recycled into better, readable shape and may see the light of day. Maybe. 🤔

My health hasn’t been great but I am on an upward trajectory now. Will I reach orbit or crash and burn? Somewhere in between that results in soaring flights of literary fancy, I hope. 🤞